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De-risk CLM transformation with Corporate Digital Identity (CDI)

By Richard Beattie | Mon 2 December, 2024
Derisking CLM transformation

Corporate and Institutional banks are under pressure to embrace digital transformation to meet rising client expectations for faster, more personalized services.

CLM transformation

A central element in transforming client experience lies in adopting a robust Client Lifecycle Management (CLM) system. CLM’s establish a structured framework for managing corporate clients, with the goal of enhancing efficiency and consistency throughout the client journey. Furthermore, leading to a more streamlined and satisfying client experience.

Transforming the client lifecycle is a complex, multi-year endeavor. Typically taking significant investment and three to five years for planning, migration, and implementation.

While CLM platforms are highly effective at managing key processes within the lifecycle, they typically have limitations in scope. Particularly in terms of breadth and depth for specialized functions.

These limitations mean that additional steps are often required to achieve true end-to-end automation. Especially for critical elements such as Know Your Customer (KYC) processes. KYC, which is fundamental to compliance and risk management, is frequently postponed or set aside as a “phase 2” initiative. As a result, impacting the overall efficiency and effectiveness of CLM transformation.

Addressing data limitations and manual processes

Inadequate data foundations are a crucial obstacle to truly harnessing the power of CLM technology. A robust data strategy, incorporating both external, (public and privately obtained data), and internal data, is a prerequisite.

With existing manual processes for gathering data typically remaining in place at the perimeter of the CLM, they often extend client onboarding.

The reliance on manual intervention for data collection and verification introduces several risks:

  • Delays: Manually collecting and verifying documents slows onboarding, frustrating clients expecting fast, digital-first experiences.
  •  Compliance risks: Human error as data and documents continue to be ‘re-keyed’ and transposed between systems. Reliance on outdated or incomplete data also increases the likelihood of non-compliance with KYC and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations.
  • Operational strain: Manual processes burden teams, diverting focus from higher-value, strategic tasks. Poor data integration adds complexity, often resulting in a disjointed, inefficient process.

Sustaining project momentum

These factors delay the realization of CLM benefits, adding pressure on project champions and finance teams. They also increase the risk of the CLM vision veering off course as project fatigue sets in and “good enough” solutions are absorbed into Business as Usual (BAU). To de-risk CLM transformation and expedite progress, banks need to adopt solutions that provide immediate, impactful results at scale, such as Corporate Digital Identity (CDI).

Integrating CDI as part of the CLM framework is a strategic approach to de-risking the transformation. This incorporation enables a more secure and scalable journey, ensuring alignment with long-term CLM goals.

What is CDI

CDI offers a holistic view of a corporate entity through centralized information collected and curated as part of KYC processes. During onboarding, CDI automates identity verification and validation. Reducing onboarding times and ensuring regulatory compliance from the outset, while providing a digitized output for integration to downstream systems.

This streamlined process reduces manual client outreach and the need for clients to repeatedly provide documentation as information is captured once and used across multiple processes.

CDI’s ability to maintain clear and auditable lineage to each data attribute, establishes a strong foundation for more advanced KYC and CLM capabilities.
Particularly drawing on trusted sources of corporate information to deliver consistent and validated data, supporting a more dynamic CLM.

De-risk CLM investment with CDI

CDI will play a pivotal role, especially as emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) continue to advance. As AI and ML technologies mature, they will complement CDI’s data-processing capabilities. CDI’s adaptability to evolving technology means that banks can capture these efficiencies across the client lifecycle, staying agile in the face of regulatory or operational shifts.

CDI also simplifies the maintenance of external KYC data connections, as it provides a single point of access to external KYC data and documents. Banks no longer need to invest in managing and maintaining individual third-party data source connections; instead, they access these sources via one streamlined Application Programming Interface (API).

The path to de-risked and accelerated CLM journeys

CDI de-risks the implementation of CLM by automating key tasks, reducing manual intervention, and improving compliance to prove benefits rapidly, within the first year.

This approach accelerates the realization of CLM benefits within the project lifecycle by enabling the automation of data and document retrieval to run alongside other CLM activities.

Accelerate and de-risk your CLM journey with CDI

Are you embarking on a CLM journey and looking to accelerate the benefits while de-risking the project? Learn how integrating CDI can help your bank streamline KYC and improve compliance in the short term, while accelerating digital transformation and future proofing new operating models.

Reach out to Encompass to explore how CDI can revolutionize your client lifecycle management today.

Author: Richard Beattie

Richie Beattie leads Encompass' alliances function for North America. He manages strategic relationships with leading consulting firms and technology solutions aligned to Encompass in the KYC ecosystem. Richie has held roles across functions at Encompass including new business development and global account management. He has close to a decade of experience in the KYC technology space.

LinkedIn Profile | Richard Beattie

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